Category: Case
Student case (Submitted to Young Ones 2024) Brief Target a niche audience and encourage them to join the Duolingo community. Insight A lot of WoW-gamers meet their partner through online gaming. When meeting their partner’s parents for the first time, language barriers can cause a big problem. Idea Duo of Warcraft. By using pop cultural…
Student case (young ones) Brief Create a launch campaign for NotCo’s NotHangover, a shot that eases the effect go hangover by at least 70%. Insight People will keep drinking, and being judgmental doesn’t help. Humour is key Idea We can’t fix your regrettable drunk moments, but we’ve got your back on the morning-after misery. Commercial.…
Fiktivt case Brief Skapa en interaktiv kampanj för den nya generationens Volvo. INsikt Att färdas i bilen är en tid av reflektion och eftertanke. Många har drömt om att spela in sitt eget sommarprat. IdÉ Voices by Sweden – Din Volvo intervjuar dig om livet och klipper ihop samtalet till ditt en professionell podd. Röststyrd…